2014년 8월 25일 월요일

SInAppPurchase for GooglePlay - GooglePlayPurchaseData API설명

namespace SPlugins
 public class GooglePlayPurchaseData
  //아이템 타입 "inapp" - 구매 제품, "subs" - 구독 제품
  //Value must be “inapp” for an in-app product or "subs" for subscriptions.
  public string ItemType { get; private set; }

  //결제 아이디
  //A unique order identifier for the transaction. 
  //This corresponds to the Google Wallet Order ID.
  public string orderID { get; private set; }

  //APK 패키지 이름
  //The application package from which the purchase originated.
  public string packagaeName { get; private set; }

  //아이템 아이디
  public string sku { get; private set; }

  //구매한 시간
  //The time the product was purchased, 
  //in milliseconds since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
  public string purchaseTime { get; private set; }

  //구매 목록 상태 0-구매완료, 1-구매취소, 2-환불
  //The purchase state of the order. Possible values are 
  //0 (purchased), 1 (canceled), or 2 (refunded).
  public string purchaseState { get; private set; }

  //구매 처리시 생성한 developerPayload
  //A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information 
  //about an order. You can specify a value for 
  //this field when you make a IAP.PurchaseAsync
  public string developerPayload { get; private set; }

  //Consume처리시 사용하는 토큰, 
  //A token that uniquely identifies a purchase 
  //for a given item and user pair.
  public string token { get; private set; }

  public string originalJsonData { get; private set; }

  //보안 검증에 사용하는값, 어플리케이션 마다 할당 받은 키값과
  //signature 값을 통해 영수증 유효 여부를 처리할수 있습니다
  public string signature { get; private set; }
}/*namespace SPlugins*/

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